Mommy thought that it 'll a very boring week, usually papa will bring Vernon shopping & outing during weekend. hmmh......Mommy suddenly have an ideal of inviting ah mah, kong kong and Ee, koko, che che come over to our house to have a afternoon party sunday. I decided to host them with steamboat, easy to prepare dish for me. Somemore, don't need to spend so much time, just go & buy the steamboat stuff and prepare the soup. That's it.
yeah....Sunday is party day for Vernon. He love it so much playing with all the koko & che che @ home. almost forgot of Papa not around though.
Smiley Face
Monday - Friday, I asked MIL don't need to bring Vernon home since my working time is not fix. I will go to her place for dinner and then fetch them home, papa is not around so mommy also felt lazy to cook @ home.
Since papa not around, Vernon is very "Manja" with me. Must see me around him, cannot go to washroom too. Need me to accompany him sitting potty chair, change clothes and eating.
Even sleep time also must have me, kakak wati cannot touch him at all.
Every night, Papa will called home to check is his little monster doing fine or not. At first he heard his father voice at the phone. He just keep quite and do not want to say anything in return at all till the 2nd day his papa call home.
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