After deciding where should we put up the tree, I & James decorated the x'mas tree & move around the living room till middle of the night. We wanted to give our boy a morning surprise. Well, Sunday morning as usual he woke up as early as 7:15am. and he always ask to take off his pampers, i think he must be very uncomfortable after the whole night wearing it.
Vernon : Mommy want pencil. ( i knew what he want - his crayon and drawing pad)
Mommy : No till u finish your bath and breakfast okay.
Vernon : Just walk out from our room.
Mommy : Vernon mommy have a surprise for u today, come with mommy. He hold my hand and we walk out to living room together.
Vernon : When we saw the X'mas tree. the 1st word he say is "美美" means Beautiful hoh....hoh
I & james thought that he might detroy the ornaments, out of our expectations. He enver get near to the trees and touch the ornament. He just watch by the side........................................till tonight.
Wow, such a NICE xMas tree!! You and James really 有心思 in doing the decoration!! Vernon must be very happy seeing the big and nicely decorated XMas tree!
Don't forget to put present below the tree for me.
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